Yesterday mrpastasmissus and I had a day laying more laminate flooring in our new house. It was much nicer doing that than staying in the manse and doing yet more packing! We now have another room almost done and we are getting better at it. We got to meet the neighbours on both sides, who were also moving in.
Mrpastasmissus and a friend (male) have spent today packing van, driving to new house, unpacking van and driving back. Friend's wife and I have been busy dismantling IKEA furniture so the boys could then put it in the van, packing kitchen stuff and doing some hoovering. So now all of our furniture has gone and we are down to needing to pack miscellaneous "stuff". At some stage I'm sure we thought we'd sort things out BEFORE moving. I suspect it will actually be the case that it all ends up in boxes marked "to be sorted" and stays there for the next 6 years.....
Actually, the boys have done a fantastic job of shifting things. I just hope mrpastasmissus can still physically move tomorrow, as he found out today he's got a week of doing deliveries (starting tomorrow).
19 hours ago