The snow let up enough for us to make it to my parents' for Christmas. It was nice, but very odd - it's the first time I've been there at Christmas in 15 years. They still live in the same house I grew up in, so all my memories of childhood Christmasses came back. It was very strange not having my grandparents and Uncle there (they have died in that time).
So now we're back home, and it's the end of 2010.
I shan't be sad to see the back of it. During the year I have had a severely depressed husband, been severely depressed myself, watched from the sidelines as other people made major decisions affecting my life without involving me in them, had my home taken from me, lost my church, realised people I thought were friends weren't, seen my husband become unemployed and the difficulty in finding any kind of job, face the whole unfairness of the church system which treats ministers in a way which would not be tolerated in a secular job (not least because they'd get sued), and deal with subtle evil hidden behind smiling faces which was not recognised by others despite being pointed out.
On the plus side: we have a lovely new house, mrPM has a short-term job he quite likes, I still have a job, finances are working out much better than I had anticipated, mrPM is no longer depressed and I am stable again, we are out of the toxic situation, my response to the whole business of becoming out-of-pastorate has triggered alot of discussion at high levels which should mean others will not be put in the same position. We also had a super summer holiday with friends which was really special for all of us. Oh, and God taught me alot about forgiveness, perseverance, doing what is right rather than what is easy, and following Him whatever the cost.
And I've made some new friends thanks to this blog!
Hopefully (oops -that should be God willing) 2011 will be better
Happy New Year (and a belated Happy Christmas)
18 hours ago