Thursday, 4 April 2013


my car
had its tires
changed. Winter off,
summer on.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013


Green fingers
Reaching up
To the sky
Yellow spear.
Breaking through
The snow white
On the ground.

Like I said, I'm new to this. What do you call a poem with 3 syllables to a line?

Saturday, 23 March 2013


MrPM has been writing poetry for a while now, and his stuff is pretty good. He can do the whole rhyme and meter thing, which I can't.
Today's suggested topic is having tea with Miss Marple (or anybody you want). For me there was only one choice...

I can't believe he came.
True, he brought the rest of the gang,
But that goes with the territory.

I had plenty of mugs
Although the kettle was on overtime.
All duly watered
(or rather, caffeinated),
We sat and chatted.

Well, they chatted.
I mostly listened.
Stories of a distant land,
New and unfamiliar,
Yet peopled with familiar faces.
A place where time did not matter...
As it did not matter to me.

But then the grumbling
Started. First one, then another
Stomach followed suit.
I tore myself away to
Kitchen duty,
Only to remember
I had forgotten
To go shopping.

I re-entered the room,
Clutching a tuna sandwich.
"Can you do anything with this, Jesus?"