Wednesday, 27 March 2013


Green fingers
Reaching up
To the sky
Yellow spear.
Breaking through
The snow white
On the ground.

Like I said, I'm new to this. What do you call a poem with 3 syllables to a line?

Saturday, 23 March 2013


MrPM has been writing poetry for a while now, and his stuff is pretty good. He can do the whole rhyme and meter thing, which I can't.
Today's suggested topic is having tea with Miss Marple (or anybody you want). For me there was only one choice...

I can't believe he came.
True, he brought the rest of the gang,
But that goes with the territory.

I had plenty of mugs
Although the kettle was on overtime.
All duly watered
(or rather, caffeinated),
We sat and chatted.

Well, they chatted.
I mostly listened.
Stories of a distant land,
New and unfamiliar,
Yet peopled with familiar faces.
A place where time did not matter...
As it did not matter to me.

But then the grumbling
Started. First one, then another
Stomach followed suit.
I tore myself away to
Kitchen duty,
Only to remember
I had forgotten
To go shopping.

I re-entered the room,
Clutching a tuna sandwich.
"Can you do anything with this, Jesus?"