New Year - why do I bother making resolutions when I know I'll break them? You'd think that I would have learnt by now, but no, I do the same thing every year. I don't think I've ever made it as far as February, but even so, this year's must be some kind of record. And it wasn't that difficult a resolution to keep....
And you'll think it even worse when you know what it was ....
So what was this year's resolution?
To have a 'quiet time' and read the bible every day.
What???? I don't do that already? But I'm a pastor's wife!
I know, I know.
For those of you who have no idea what I'm on about, a 'quiet time' is a time you deliberately set aside to pray and read the bible. In the evangelical circles I grew up in, it was considered essential - to the extent that it was doubtful that you were really a Christian if you didn't have one every day. It could last 5-30 minutes, and it didn't really matter if you got nothing out of it, as long as you did it.
Being a somewhat rebellious sort, I have never done this. That's not saying I haven't read the bible - I have - all of it! It's not saying I don't pray - I do, every day.
But for some reason I thought that maybe I should try reading the bible more regularly this year.
I was organised - I got a set of bible reading notes written by Jeff Lucas, whose stuff I find funny, authentic and insightful. I had my bible by my bed (although it usually lives there, gathering dust). I even managed to do the first one - which was for the whole weekend.
Then came Monday. I had an extremely demanding day at work, compounded by having a longer shift than normal (because it was a public holiday), and a drive home in the snow. So by the time I got home it was late, I was tired and bed was calling. 'Goodnight God' was the extent of my quiet time.
And so another resolution got broken....
19 hours ago
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