Having been in a church which has not had a building for 20 years, the idea of place being important is not particularly familiar. But being away from here and physically in a different place has helped alot. Somehow I now have a bit of distance from the things that have happened, and the overwhelming engulfing pain has settled into something much more manageable. That's not to say I'm happy about what happened. I'm not, and I'm still working out what (if anything) to do about it. I still get upset at times, but at least I'm now functional and even managed OK back at work.
I also got chance to read some theology while away - yes, I do read theology for fun! - mr pastasmissus used to get quite annoyed by me 'borrowing' his books when he was at college - but more of that next time.
Lent 1: Reflection
8 hours ago
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