I am skiving church today, and will be again next week. It might seem odd to deliberately choose to stay away during the most important time in the church year. But that's the problem. It's the first Easter time since becoming out of pastorate (Easter was earlier last year, and it was mrPMs last service - we had no inkling of that at the time.)
So I am going through all the bereavement stuff of the first whatever since it happened. It feels wrong not to be at the brief ecumenical Palm Sunday service which concludes with parading through the town with the local band, before dropping everyone off at their own places of worship. It would feel even more wrong if I were in a different church with different traditions. I don't think it would be fair on the people at whichever church I ended up at - I would just be resenting them for not being what we had before - which is totally illogical and unjustified.
At least after next Sunday, all the first 'whatevers' will be over, and things will begin to get a bit easier.
Lent 1: Reflection
8 hours ago
Two more Sundays and you will have passed a significant milestone. Not pretending that will solve everything instantly, but hoping it helps to make things a little easier for you. Find a tv or radio service and worship with them - you need SOMEONE to shout hallelujah with on easter sunday