Once a man put up a whirligig in his back garden. He watched to see which part of the garden got the most sun exposure, and duly inserted the whirligig spike into the garden as directed. All went well for a few months. Then he noticed the whirligig was leaning rather too much to one side. On further investigation, this was due to the hole the spike had made becoming larger. So he did a temporary repair by putting a small bit of wood in the hole. This worked until a few rainfalls later, when the hole enlarged again. After several such temporary fixes, he decided something more definite was needed, as despite all the bits of wood, the whirligig was still leaning rather badly. So off he went to the local superstore to get some magic concretey-stuff to cement the spike into place. "That'll fix it" he thought. Unfortunately, the next time he hung the washing out, it was rather windy. And it got even windier. The next time he looked out of the window, not only was it raining, but the whole whirligig had parted company with the earth, a perfect block of concrete still around the spike...
I'm sure there's a parable in here somewhere ;-)
MrPM has now reconcreted our whirligig. Hopefully it won't come out of the ground again.
PS a whirligig is an outdoor rotary clothes line
Lent 1: Reflection
7 hours ago
Andy Jones said:-
ReplyDelete"The wise man buried his block of concrete unimaginably deep in the ground and, on the third attempt, when the wind blew and rain poured, finally - at last - the whirligig didn't uproot large sections of surrounding lawn and get the washing all dirty again".
Not quite as punchy as the way Jesus told it, but my own experience and heartfelt!
I'm a friend of Catriona's and follow your journey from time to time with interest and every good wish to you and to Mr PM.
And this year the wise man's wife will remember to fold the whirligig up BEFORE the snow comes, so she doesn't have to buy a new one because the weight of the snow bent it so badly it became unusable....