Never mind 1 step forward, 2 steps back. I think I've gone about 2 miles back. It's not good being a pastor's wife who feels sick at the thought of church....
The hurt and anger against certain people and situations within the congregation are spilling over into the whole concept of "church", and worse still are spilling over onto God.
Currently, I don't want to engage with God, because that reminds me of the whole mess. I'm trying to ignore/ forget about the situation so that I can vaguely function. But it's an ongoing situation, and every time something new happens, it brings it all up.
I committed myself to following Jesus, whatever the cost. Right now, that cost is high. If I didn't take trying to imitate his life as a pattern for my own, the cost would be much less. Forgiveness does not come easy, especially when you are still hurting.
Sometimes I wish I followed a God who smites people, rather than one who, when in agony nailed to a cross, prayed for forgiveness for the perpetrators...
19 hours ago
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