The question was inspired by having been at a different church to normal, when they happened to be running week 3 of the Christianity Explored course. The course is based on Mark's gospel.
So the first question of the night was 'Why did Jesus come?' It seems the "correct" answer is 'to die so that I can be forgiven for my sins and therefore not go to hell when I die'.
It was quite funny, in that the two friends I was with had immediately given the answer 'to bring the kingdom of God' - they had obviously absorbed misterpastasmissus' preaching (heavily influenced by Tom Wright).
So, having had a rather busy week, I finally thought I should do some research. What I found in Mark about why Jesus came is as follows:
Mark 1:38 - to preach in other villages also
Mark 2:17 - not to call respectable people, but outcasts
Mark 8:31 - to suffer much, be put to death but rise to life (although I'm not sure if this is simply a statement of fact about what will happen, or if Jesus sees it as his purpose).
So, in the light of Mark 2:17 - if you don't think you are a sinner, does that class you as a 'respectable person' and should we therefore spend alot of time trying to persuade you that you are a sinner? Or should we go and find the broken people who have no doubt about their need?
Lent 1: Reflection
8 hours ago
Amen to that!