Sunday, 13 May 2012

mrPM update

MrPM is home and back to normal. We both feel extra-ordinarily blessed that this has been the outcome. The possibility of less favourable outcomes was something we were both very aware of. So was he lucky? Or was it prayer? Or was it both at once?
I really don't understand how prayer works - I'm too aware of the times when it appears not to work.
So it's difficult knowing how to describe my feelings about our situation. Lucky? Fortunate? Blessed? Something alomg those lines, anyway...


  1. Good news indeed. You remain in our prayers x

  2. Great news.

    Prayer is a mystery, but I think it's a beautiful mystery, a gift from God, even if I have no idea how it "works" or what "work" means in this context.

    I am pleased for you both.
