One of the things with moving house is lots of things change. In the manse, we had a shower curtain over the bath which was on an extendable pole with suction cups at the ends to keep it in place. Or I believe that's the idea of them... In our case, they worked for about 3 months of the year. The rest of the time the walls must have expanded slightly or something, because it had this amazing knack of waiting until you had just stepped under the shower, and then falling off the wall. Of course, the water went everywhere, so you had to turn the shower off, fix the shower rail (which could take some time), run the shower until it eventually reached the right temperature and then get back under it. So a proper shower cubicle where you don't have to worry about playing reverse Russian roulette (falls down 5 out of 6 times) with the shower curtain is bliss! And our new bath is amazing!!! It's long enough to lie down in without having to stick your feet up on the taps :-)))
Going to a different church is proving alot more challenging. The theology that is preached is quite a bit more Reformed than I'm used to, and is pressing alot of not very helpful buttons for me. The people seem nice and very caring, even though I don't know anyone particularly well. They also are very appreciative of my musical talents. Normally I'd just stick it out and tune out the bits I have problems with, but right now I'm not up to doing that. The green-eyed monster of jealousy is also alive and well. It's hard being somewhere where they are all excited about community outreach and praying for revival, when at the back of my mind is a little voice saying 'but that is what you and Mrpastasmissus were trying to do in your ex-church, and look what happened'. And then of course I feel bad for feeling that way. Why do I have to be cynical because of my past instead of being glad I am in a church that does seem to genuinely want to do these things? It could be a simple case of 'once burnt, twice shy' - our ex-church said they wanted to reach out into the community, but when that started actually happening and the power base within the church looked like being challenged, suddenly it was a different story. Actually, I suspect I just have a bad case of sour grapes.
Lent 1: Reflection
8 hours ago
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